About Us
The Jicarilla Oil and Gas Administration is one of the Nation's natural resource departments and is the principle oil and gas regulatory body with authority under Jicarilla Apache Nation Code Title 18 - Oil and Gas. The Department regulates the private oil and gas sector as well as tribally chartered entities and corporations operating on the Jicarilla Apache Nation.
The JOGA provides legal support, administrative services, development advice, and technical support to the Nation. The Department also provides land services, Operating Permits, and regulatory enforcement through both the Nation's Compliance & Enforcement and Bureau of Land Management's Inspection and Enforcement programs to oil and gas companies operating on the Nation's lands.
The JOGA is the seat for intergovernmental and interagency oil and gas relations on the reservation.
Our Mission
The Jicarilla Oil and Gas Administration is committed to the responsible regulation and development of the Nation's minerals, while protecting the Nation's cultural and environmental resources.
Our Values
- Create sustainable economic returns
- Reinforce soverignty in managing oil and gas resources
- Protect the rights of outside parties
- Maintain a safe and clean operating environment