The Revised Constitution of the Jicarilla Apache Nation
The Jicarilla Apache Nation is governed by the Revised Constitution of the Jicarilla Apache Nation.
It states that the members of the Jicarilla Apache Tribe, by virtue of our sovereign rights as an Indian tribe and pursuant to the authroities conferred by the Indian Reoganization Act of June 18, 1934, (48 Stat. 984), desiring to assume more responsibility for our own well-bing, to protect the land and resrouces of our Tribe for ourselves and our children, and to work with the Government of the United States in adminstering the affairs of our Tribe, adopt the constitution, as amended.
This document is available for review under the Documents tab.
Jicarilla Apache Nation Code Title 18 - Oil & Gas
The Ordinances of the Jicarilla Apache Nation are compliled in the Jicarilla Apache Nation Code. The Title that governs oil and gas activities on the Nation's lands is Jicarilla Apache Nation Code Title 18 - Oil & Gas. This Code establishes procedures to ensure that all oil and gas development activity within the Jicarilla Apache Nation is carried out in a manner that minimizes negative impact on the Nation's other resources and maximizes the benefit to the Nation of oil and gas development.
This document is also available for review under the Documents tab.