For all oil and gas matters on the Jicarilla Apache Nation, please contact the Jicarilla Oil & Gas Administration at 575.759.3485 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. You may find the contact information for all JOGA employees under the About Us - Employees tab.
EMERGENCIES - For all oil and gas related emergencies on the Jicarilla Apache Nation, immediately dial 911 or call the Jicarilla Police Department at 575.759.3222. Then, contact the JOGA personnel in order as listed below:
Name | Position | Mobile Number | Radio | Email Address |
Jared Benally | BLM Lead Inspector | 505-320-9741 | #2 | |
Jason Sandoval | JOGA C&E Supervisor | 575-419-0347 | #7 | |
Alfred Vigil Jr. | JOGA C&E | 575-419-0003 | #8 | |
Jicarilla Oil & Gas Administration Location Map
Map data ©2017 Google Imagery ©2017 , DigitalGlobe, NMRGIS, U.S. Geological Survey, USDA Farm Service Agency